澳大利亚和阿联酋签署了一项贸易协定,取消对澳大利亚出口99%的关税。 Australia and the UAE signed a trade agreement to eliminate tariffs on 99% of Australian exports.
澳大利亚和阿联酋在堪培拉签署了《澳大利亚-阿联酋全面经济伙伴关系协定》,取消了对澳大利亚向阿联酋出口的99%以上的关税,从而加强了两国的贸易关系。 Australia and the UAE have enhanced their trade relationship by signing the Australia-UAE Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) in Canberra, eliminating tariffs on over 99% of Australian exports to the UAE. 预计这项协定将使澳大利亚对阿联酋的出口每年增加约44 270万澳元。 This agreement is projected to increase Australian exports to the UAE by approximately AUD442.7 million annually. 此外,它旨在促进在环境问题上的合作,并促进各国之间的投资和数字贸易。 Additionally, it aims to foster cooperation on environmental issues and promote investment and digital trade between the nations.