一名在加沙受伤的23岁的美国陆军士兵已经死亡,引起对军事参与的关切。 A 23-year-old U.S. Army soldier injured in Gaza has died, raising concerns about military involvement.
一名23岁的美国陆军士兵于5月在加沙从事码头工程时受伤,他因伤势过重而死亡。 A 23-year-old U.S. Army soldier who was injured in May while working on a pier project in Gaza has died from his injuries. 这起事件引起了人们的注意, 引起了美国军方介入该地区的疑问。 The incident has garnered attention, raising questions about U.S. military involvement in the region. 这名士兵驻扎在奥斯蒂斯,他的死亡突显出美国人员参与海外行动的持续关切。 This soldier was based in Eustis, and his death highlights ongoing concerns regarding American personnel engaged in overseas operations.