4名阿联酋士兵在军事事故中丧生,9人受伤;详情未披露,最新情况待定。 4 UAE soldiers killed, 9 injured in military accident; details undisclosed, updates pending.
9月24日,阿联酋国防部报告说,4名士兵在执勤期间的一次军事事故中丧生,9人受伤。 On September 24, the UAE Ministry of Defense reported that four soldiers were killed and nine injured in a military accident during duty. 伤员立即住院治疗,该部向受害者家属表示慰问。 The injured were promptly hospitalized, and the Ministry expressed condolences to the victims' families. 有关该事件的详细情况仍未披露,但该部致力于人员安全,并将在获得更多资料后提供最新资料。 Details about the incident remain undisclosed, but the Ministry is committed to personnel safety and will provide updates as more information becomes available.