格鲁吉亚Clayton州和Cobb县为可能与选举有关的动乱举办讲习班和加强安全措施。 Clayton and Cobb Counties, Georgia, hold workshops and enhance security measures for potential election-related unrest.
格鲁吉亚Clayton县正与地方领导人举办讲习班,确保投票地点的安全,积极主动地准备在即将举行的选举期间发生潜在的内乱。 Clayton County, Georgia, is proactively preparing for potential civil unrest during the upcoming election by holding a workshop with local leaders to ensure polling place safety. 科布县正在采取类似措施,包括对选举工作人员进行培训,增加执法人员。 Similar measures are being taken in Cobb County, including training for election staff and increased law enforcement presence. 自2020年以来,针对工人的威胁不断增加,选举官员在全国范围加强安全,执行新的规程,如恐慌按钮和人身安全评估。 Nationwide, election officials are enhancing security due to rising threats against workers since 2020, implementing new protocols like panic buttons and physical security assessments.