一位支持Trump的影响力者承认分享了一部关于海地投票的假视频, A pro-Trump influencer admitted to sharing a fake video about Haitian voting, funded by a Russian agent.
@AlphaFox78 承认接受俄罗斯宣传家Simeon Boikov的100美元, 分享一张假视频, 声称海地移民在美国选举中非法投票。 A pro-Trump influencer known as @AlphaFox78 admitted to receiving $100 from Russian propagandist Simeon Boikov to share a fake video claiming Haitian immigrants were voting illegally in the U.S. election. 格鲁吉亚国务卿证实,该视频是编造的,与俄罗斯的造谣活动有关。 The Georgia Secretary of State confirmed the video was fabricated and linked to Russian disinformation efforts. 博伊科夫是澳大利亚的一名注册外国代理人,有传播亲克里姆林宫叙事的历史,凸显了俄罗斯利用影响者干预选举的策略。 Boikov, a registered foreign agent in Australia, has a history of spreading pro-Kremlin narratives, highlighting Russia's strategy to use influencers in election interference.