2024 年副总统候选人蒂姆·沃尔兹 (Tim Walz) 成为与俄罗斯结盟的 Storm-1516 虚假信息活动的目标,提供虚假的性侵犯指控和深度伪造视频。 2024 VP candidate Tim Walz targeted by Russian-aligned Storm-1516 disinformation campaign with false sexual assault claims and deepfake videos.
一个与俄罗斯结盟的宣传网络 Storm-1516 是指控明尼苏达州州长和副总统候选人蒂姆·沃尔茨 (Tim Walz) 性侵的虚假指控的幕后黑手。 A Russian-aligned propaganda network, Storm-1516, is behind false claims accusing Minnesota Governor and vice presidential candidate Tim Walz of sexual assault. 这一虚假的宣传运动旨在破坏Walz在2024年选举之前的信誉。 This disinformation campaign aims to undermine Walz's credibility ahead of the 2024 elections. 这项工作包括 deepfake 视频,并被保守派人士放大。 The effort includes deepfake videos and has been amplified by conservative figures. Storm-1516 有传播捏造叙事以扰乱美国选举和促进克里姆林宫利益的历史。 Storm-1516 has a history of spreading fabricated narratives to disrupt U.S. elections and promote Kremlin interests.