威廉王子访问南非参加地球光周活动,促进可持续性和青年参与。 Prince William visited South Africa for Earthshot Week, promoting sustainability and youth engagement.
威廉王子前往南非参加地球弹射周活动, 与海景镇的学童一起玩橄榄球游戏, 并会见年轻的环保人士。 Prince William visited South Africa for Earthshot Week, engaging in a rugby game with school children in the Ocean View township and meeting young environmentalists. 他的旅行以地球弹射奖为中心,该奖项承认了应对环境挑战的创新解决方案。 His trip centered on the Earthshot Prize, which recognizes innovative solutions to environmental challenges. 王子的活动旨在通过体育促进可持续性和支持处境不利的青年,而他的妻子Kate Middleton则留在联合王国接受治疗。 The prince's activities aimed to promote sustainability and support disadvantaged youth through sports, while his wife, Kate Middleton, remained in the UK for medical treatment.