塔斯克信托基金的赞助人威廉王子计划在11月的地球光奖之旅期间带儿童到非洲进行首次访问。 Prince William, patron of Tusk Trust, plans to bring children to Africa for first visits during November Earthshot Prize trip.
自2005年起,图斯克信托基金的赞助人威廉王子计划把他的孩子介绍给非洲,在那里,他已故的母亲戴安娜公主多次前往非洲。 Prince William, patron of Tusk Trust since 2005, plans to introduce his children to Africa, where his late mother, Princess Diana, made multiple trips. 剑桥公爵将于11月访问南非获得地球射弹奖,并可能带来夏洛特公主、路易王子和乔治王子。 The Duke of Cambridge will visit South Africa in November for the Earthshot Prize Awards and may bring Princess Charlotte and Princes Louis and George. Tusk信托基金在威廉王子的支持下,近20年来在非洲开展环境教育和野生生物养护工作。 The Tusk Trust, supported by Prince William for nearly 20 years, works on environmental education and wildlife conservation in Africa.