印度海岸警卫队在石油进口和危险不断上升的情况下开会,加强石油泄漏防备工作。 India's Coast Guard met to enhance oil spill preparedness amid rising oil imports and hazards.
印度海岸警卫队在新德里举行了第26次国家漏油灾害应急计划会议,会议由Paramesh Sivamani总干事主持。 The Indian Coast Guard held its 26th National Oil Spill Disaster Contingency Plan meeting in New Delhi, chaired by Director General Paramesh Sivamani. 会议重点讨论了如何在石油进口和危险材料运输增加的情况下,改进印度对石油溢漏的准备。 The meeting focused on improving India's preparedness for oil spills in response to increasing oil imports and hazardous materials transport. 在强调利益攸关方协作和创新技术的同时,会议还强调最近在钦奈开设区域海洋污染应对中心以加强污染管理能力。 Emphasizing stakeholder collaboration and innovative technologies, the meeting also highlighted the recent opening of the Regional Marine Pollution Response Centre in Chennai to strengthen pollution management capabilities.