痴呆症症状可能首先出现在视力上,这凸显了定期眼科检查的必要性。 Dementia symptoms may first appear in vision, highlighting the need for regular eye exams.
根据伦敦激光眼科诊所的 Jørn Slot Jørgensen 博士的说法,痴呆症症状最初可能表现在眼睛中,而不是记忆丧失。 Dementia symptoms may initially manifest in the eyes rather than memory loss, according to Dr. Jørn Slot Jørgensen from Laser Eye Clinic London. 早期迹象包括视觉感知困难,例如判断距离、识别颜色和阅读理解。 Early signs include difficulty with visual perception, such as judging distances, identifying colors, and reading comprehension. 定期眼科检查有助于早期发现,并可能导致及时干预。 Regular eye exams can aid in early detection, potentially leading to timely intervention. 研究表明,视网膜扫描可能会揭示与阿尔茨海默病相关的变化。 Research indicates that retinal scans may reveal changes linked to Alzheimer's disease.