由于2022年大使大桥封锁造成的费用,安大略省Windsor公司正在以900,491加拿大第900号CAD起诉加拿大。 Windsor, Ontario, is suing Canada for CAD 900,491 due to costs from the 2022 Ambassador Bridge blockade.
安大略省温莎市正在起诉联邦政府,要求支付 900,491 加元的与 2022 年大使桥封锁相关的费用,这是自由车队抗议活动的一部分。 The City of Windsor, Ontario, is suing the federal government for CAD 900,491 in expenses related to the 2022 Ambassador Bridge blockade, part of the Freedom Convoy protests. 市长Drew Dilkens认为,当地纳税人不应承担这些费用,因为联邦政府负责边境口岸的警务。 Mayor Drew Dilkens argues that local taxpayers should not bear these costs, as the federal government is responsible for policing border crossings. Windsor以前曾支出180万第纳尔,并收到了690万第纳尔的承付款,但声称政府没有补偿剩余数额。 Windsor previously incurred CAD 1.8 million in expenses and received a commitment of CAD 6.9 million, but claims the government has not compensated the remaining amount.