加拿大法院裁定特鲁多在平息新冠肺炎抗议活动时过度了。 Canadian court rules Trudeau overreached in quelling COVID-rule protests.
加拿大联邦法院裁定,总理贾斯汀·特鲁多在 2022 年利用《紧急状态法》镇压渥太华和边境口岸的抗议活动是不合理的。 The Federal Court of Canada has ruled that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's use of the Emergencies Act to suppress protests in Ottawa and border crossings in 2022 was unjustified. 理查德·莫斯利法官的结论是,没有国家紧急状态证明该法案的援引是合理的,因此该法案是不合理的。 Justice Richard Mosley concluded that there was no national emergency justifying the act's invocation, making it unreasonable. 这项裁决对特鲁多政府是一个打击,该政府利用该法律控制抗议者的资金和物资流动。 The ruling is a blow to Trudeau's government, which used the law to control the flow of funds and supplies to protesters.