在Decatur发生的一次道路暴怒事件中,一名摩托车手因枪伤受重伤;调查仍在进行。 A road rage incident in Decatur left a motorcyclist critically injured by gunfire; investigation ongoing.
星期天清晨,阿拉巴马州Decatur发生公路暴怒事件,一名摩托车手因枪伤受重伤。 A road rage incident in Decatur, Alabama, early Sunday morning resulted in a motorcyclist being critically injured by gunfire. 警方于上午1时09分左右在Se大街6号对现场作出反应,发现受害者被送往UAB医院。 Police responded to the scene around 1:09 a.m. on 6th Avenue SE, where they found the victim, who was transported to UAB Hospital. 第二个男子被拘留审问。 A second man was detained for questioning. 调查仍在进行中,目前尚未逮捕任何人。 The investigation is ongoing, with no arrests made yet. 当局敦促任何有情报的人联系Decatur警察。 Authorities urge anyone with information to contact Decatur Police.