菲律宾军方开始两周的演习, 模拟南中国海的岛屿占领。 The Philippine military begins two weeks of drills simulating island seizure in the South China Sea.
菲律宾军方发起了两周的战斗演习,模拟在有争议的南海一个岛屿被夺取,涉及来自不同分支的3 000多名人员。 The Philippine military has launched two weeks of combat drills simulating the seizure of an island in the disputed South China Sea, involving over 3,000 personnel from various branches. 虽然演习不是针对任何特定国家,但可能会激怒中国,因为中国在本区域占多数。 While the exercises are not aimed at any specific nation, they may provoke China, which claims much of the region. 演习包括实弹演习和海滩着陆演习,反映了菲律宾在与中国和该地区其他国家日益紧张的情况下加强领土防御的努力。 The drills include live-fire and beach landing exercises, reflecting the Philippines' efforts to strengthen its territorial defense amid rising tensions with China and other nations in the area.