藉由苹果税的141亿欧元来解决爱尔兰的住房危机。 People Before Profit proposes using €14.1 billion from Apple taxes to tackle Ireland's housing crisis.
爱尔兰政党People Before Probit提议使用来自苹果的141亿欧元回扣税来建立一家旨在解决爱尔兰住房危机的国营建筑公司。 People Before Profit, an Irish political party, has proposed using €14.1 billion in back taxes from Apple to create a state construction company aimed at addressing Ireland's housing crisis. 该党认为,这个实体可以比私营部门更经济合算地建造社会住房和负担得起的住房,有可能为每个家庭节省20万欧元。 The party argues this entity could build social and affordable homes more cost-effectively than the private sector, potentially saving €200,000 per home. 财政部长杰克·钱伯斯支持将资金投资于基础设施,但强调这些资金不应用于日常支出或减税。 Finance Minister Jack Chambers supports investing the funds in infrastructure but emphasizes they shouldn't be used for everyday spending or tax cuts.