国家飓风中心正在追踪潜在的热带气旋18, 有可能成为拉斐尔。 The National Hurricane Center is tracking Potential Tropical Cyclone 18, likely to become Rafael.
国家飓风中心正在监测潜在的热带气旋18,很可能在第二天成为热带风暴Rafael。 The National Hurricane Center is monitoring Potential Tropical Cyclone 18, which is likely to become Tropical Storm Rafael within the next day. 在接近牙买加和古巴时,该系统可能加强成为第1类飓风,但由于条件不利,在进入墨西哥湾时可能会削弱。 Expected to approach Jamaica and Cuba, the system could strengthen into a Category 1 hurricane but may weaken as it enters the Gulf of Mexico due to unfavorable conditions. 墨西哥湾沿岸地区预计将有暴雨和雷暴, Rain and thunderstorms are anticipated along the Gulf Coast midweek, though the storm's exact path remains uncertain.