由于津巴布韦人口中青年占多数,WALPE 主张在政府中实行 50% 的青年参与政策。 WALPE advocates for a 50% youth participation policy in Zimbabwe's government due to youth majority.
由于津巴布韦青年占总人口的 67.7%,妇女领导力与政治卓越学院 (WALPE) 呼吁津巴布韦政府实行 50% 的青年参与政策。 Women's Academy for Leadership and Political Excellence (WALPE) calls for a 50% youth participation policy in Zimbabwe's government due to youth making up 67.7% of the population. 尽管设立了青年部,但他们仍然一直被排除在领导和决策角色之外。 Despite the Ministry of Youth, they are consistently excluded from leadership and decision-making roles. WALPE 呼吁建立具有 50% 配额的立法框架来确保青年参与。 WALPE urges for a legislative framework with a 50% quota to ensure youth involvement.