联合王国政府探讨英国广播公司许可证费的替代办法,考虑订阅模式或收费。 UK government explores alternatives to BBC licence fee, considering subscription models or levies.
联合王国政府正在探讨英国广播公司许可证费的替代办法,由于对BBC许可证费的公正性和有效性的担心,BBC许可证费将在4月增加到174.50英镑。 The UK government is exploring alternatives to the BBC licence fee, which will increase to £174.50 in April, due to concerns over its fairness and effectiveness. 正在考虑的选择包括订阅模式和对其他行业征税,尽管排除了一般征税。 Options under consideration include a subscription model and levies on other industries, though general taxation has been ruled out. 作为英国广播公司《皇家宪章》审查的一部分,政府将征求公众的意见,以决定该广播公司今后的经费。 The government will consult the public as part of the BBC's Royal Charter review to decide on the broadcaster's future funding. 英国广播公司主席Samir Shah博士反对订阅和广告模式,而主张采用普遍供资方法。 BBC chairman Dr. Samir Shah opposes subscription and advertising models, advocating instead for a universal funding method.