中国太阳能制造商正在将生产转移到印度尼西亚和老挝,以绕过美国的关税。 Chinese solar manufacturers are moving production to Indonesia and Laos to bypass U.S. tariffs.
中国太阳能制造商正在向印度尼西亚和老挝转移生产,以规避美国对越南和其他东南亚国家出口征收的关税。 Chinese solar manufacturers are relocating production to Indonesia and Laos to circumvent U.S. tariffs imposed on exports from Vietnam and other Southeast Asian nations. 这一战略使他们得以保持强大的市场存在,因为新工厂可以供应去年在美国安装的大约一半的太阳能电池板。 This strategy allows them to maintain a strong market presence, as the new plants could supply about half of the solar panels installed in the U.S. last year. 尽管征收了十多年的关税,但中国公司利用其技术优势,继续主宰着全球的太阳能市场。 Despite over a decade of tariffs, Chinese companies continue to dominate the solar market globally, leveraging their technological advantages.