美国购房者的平均年龄现在为56岁,由于成本高,首次买房者为38岁。 The average age of U.S. homebuyers is now 56, with first-time buyers at 38 due to high costs.
全国房地产商协会报告说,美国购房者的平均年龄上升到56岁,首次买房者平均38岁。 The National Association of Realtors reports that the average age of U.S. homebuyers has risen to 56, with first-time buyers averaging 38 years. 房价高和借贷成本高使年轻买家越来越难以拥有房屋,许多买家依赖家庭的经济帮助。 High home prices and borrowing costs are making homeownership increasingly difficult for younger buyers, with many relying on financial help from family. 第一次买家现在只占市场总数的24%。 First-time buyers now represent only 24% of the market. 此外,多代人生活正在上升,反映了不断变化的住房动态。 Additionally, multi-generational living is on the rise, reflecting changing housing dynamics.