由于气候变化影响,奥地利的阿尔卑斯山小径面临关闭和修复需要。 Austria's Alpine trails face closures and repair needs due to climate change impacts.
由于气候变化,奥地利的阿尔卑斯山小径和避难所正在恶化,气温变暖导致冰川融化和永久冻土解冻,导致岩崩和山崩增加。 Austria's Alpine trails and refuges are deteriorating due to climate change, with warmer temperatures causing glacier melt and permafrost thawing, leading to increased rockfalls and landslides. 这导致每年关闭多达4个山屋。 This has resulted in the closure of up to four mountain huts annually. 5年来,线索维护费用翻了一番,429个庇护所中的272个需要紧急修复。 Maintenance costs for trails have doubled in five years, and 272 of 429 refuges require urgent repair. 阿尔卑斯山俱乐部寻求9 500万欧元的紧急基金,而政府只承付了300万欧元。 Alpine clubs seek a €95 million emergency fund, while the government has committed only €3 million.