英国报纸报道皇家财产利润、能源问题和政治挑战。 UK newspapers report on royal property profits, energy issues, and political challenges.
2024年11月3日, 英国报纸报导几个重要故事:《星期日时报》揭露威尔士国王和亲王从公共部门收取的地产费用中获利。 On November 3, 2024, UK newspapers report on several key stories: The Sunday Times reveals the King and Prince of Wales profit from property charges to public sectors. 《星期日镜》强调威廉王子的租赁地产不符合能源标准。 The Sunday Mirror highlights Prince William's rental properties failing energy standards. 《星期日邮报》讨论了对英国勋章的潜在变化,以删除“帝国”。 The Mail on Sunday discusses potential changes to British honours to remove "empire." 由于喷气机短缺,RAF飞行员正在美国接受培训。 RAF pilots are training in the US due to jet shortages. 新的保守派领袖Kemi Badenoch寻求“重新开始”, 工党则在预算计划上挑战她。 Kemi Badenoch, the new Conservative leader, seeks a "fresh start," while Labour challenges her on budget plans. 地方议会禁止 " 营火之夜 " 政党因投诉而举行 " 营火之夜 " 集会。 Local councils ban Bonfire Night parties over complaints.