一件为慈善拍卖设计的裙子从人体模型上消失了。 A dress designed for charity auction vanishes from mannequin.
纽卡斯尔慈善拍卖会上一件独特的手工服装从查尔斯顿广场购物中心的展示人体模型上消失了。 A unique, handmade garment for a charity auction in Newcastle disappeared off a display mannequin at Charlestown Square shopping centre. 这件无袖夹克由当地教师米歇尔·维利斯 (Michelle Villis) 为 Corethic 的可持续设计竞赛设计,将在一场为发展中国家可持续水项目筹集资金的盛会上进行拍卖。 Designed by local teacher Michelle Villis for Corethic's sustainable design competition, the sleeveless jacket was set to be auctioned at a gala event raising money for sustainable water projects in the developing world. Corethic 创始人梅丽莎·威廉姆斯 (Melissa Williams) 在得知这件衣服被撤下展示后表示震惊。 Corethic founder Melissa Williams expressed shock after learning the garment had been removed from display.