奥克兰和伯克利的16至17岁学生首次能够参加学校董事会选举投票。 For the first time, 16- and 17-year-olds in Oakland and Berkeley can vote in school board elections.
在加利福尼亚州奥克兰和伯克利的16至17岁学生,在2020年批准第...项措施后,今年11月首次能够在地方学校董事会选举中投票。 For the first time, 16- and 17-year-olds in Oakland and Berkeley, California, can vote in local school board elections this November, following the approval of Measure QQ in 2020. 这项决定旨在让青年在教育决定中有发言权,解决学校安全和资源等问题。 This decision, aimed at giving youth a voice in educational decisions, addresses concerns like school safety and resources. 约有1 000名学生登记投票,标志着青年在公民参与和教育问责方面迈出了重要一步。 Around 1,000 students registered to vote, marking a significant step in youth civic engagement and accountability in their education.