北爱尔兰的“失踪”受害者家属静静地走来为失踪的遗体打声招呼。 Families of "Disappeared" victims in Northern Ireland held a silent walk to honor missing remains.
All Souls day, 北爱尔兰“失踪”受害者家属在贝尔法斯特Stormont的议会大厦静静地散步, 悼念那些遗体失踪的人。 On All Souls Day, families of the "Disappeared" victims of Northern Ireland's Troubles held a silent walk to Parliament Buildings at Stormont, Belfast, to honor those whose remains are missing. 在共和军准军事部队绑架和杀害的17名受害者中,有13人在过去三十年中被发现。 Out of 17 victims abducted and killed by republican paramilitaries, 13 have been found over the past three decades. 受害者遗骸下落独立委员会继续寻求关于其余4名受害者下落的信息。 The Independent Commission for the Location of Victims' Remains continues to seek information on the whereabouts of the remaining four victims.