28岁的Daron Evans在Vicksburg发生一起刺伤事件后被控严重攻击罪。 Daron Evans, 28, was charged with aggravated assault after a stabbing incident in Vicksburg.
Daron Evans是Vicksburg的28岁男子,在将他和一名女性受害者送进医院的一次刺伤事件之后,被控犯有严重家庭暴力。 Daron Evans, a 28-year-old man from Vicksburg, has been charged with aggravated assault domestic violence following a stabbing incident that sent both him and a female victim to the hospital. 这次争吵于11月2日凌晨发生,导致警察干预。 The altercation occurred early on November 2, leading to police intervention. Evans在接受治疗后被捕,目前没有保释。 Evans was arrested after being treated and is currently held without bond. 女性受害者正在密西西比大学医疗中心接受护理,据报告处于稳定状态。 The female victim is receiving care at the University of Mississippi Medical Center and is reported to be in stable condition.