Bella,加州的八岁小狗, 正在从山狮攻击中恢复过来, 费用20,000美元。 Bella, an eight-year-old dog in California, is recovering from a mountain lion attack costing $20,000.
贝拉,一只八岁的狗 在加利福尼亚山狮袭击中幸存下来 正在恢复 Bella, an eight-year-old dog, is recovering after surviving a mountain lion attack in California. 她的医疗费用已超过20 000美元,促使她的所有者为她的治疗寻求资金。 Her medical costs have surpassed $20,000, prompting her owners to seek funds for her treatment. 这一事件突出表明,宠物所有者需要保持警惕,特别是在动物袭击可能发生(尽管很少发生)的地区。 This incident highlights the need for pet owners to remain vigilant, especially in areas where animal attacks, though rare, can occur. 兽医建议把宠物留在室内或系皮带上,以确保它们的安全。 Veterinarians advise keeping pets indoors or on a leash to ensure their safety. 贝拉的主人希望她能在11月中旬完全康复。 Bella's owners are hopeful for her full recovery by mid-November.