严重受伤的山狮被处理、跟踪并被释放回圣贝纳迪诺县。 Severely injured mountain lion treated, tracked, and released back into San Bernardino County.
加利福尼亚渔业和野生生物部和圣地亚哥人类协会成功地治疗了一只受重伤和发育不良的山狮,并将其放回野外。 A severely injured and emaciated female mountain lion was successfully treated and released back into the wild by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and the San Diego Humane Society. 在Yucca山谷发现,该动物患有贫血症和软组织创伤,很可能是动物攻击所致。 Found in Yucca Valley, the animal suffered from anemia and soft tissue trauma, likely from an animal attack. 接受抗生素和止痛药物后,她安装了卫星全球定位系统监测器,并于11月20日在San Bernardino县放行。 After receiving antibiotics and pain medication, she was fitted with a satellite GPS monitor and released in San Bernardino County on November 20.