Theland Global研发公司对中国国际进口博览会的增长和市场扩张给予信贷。 Theland Global R&D credits the China International Import Expo for its growth and market expansion.
牛奶新西兰乳制品有限公司Theland Global研发总经理Roy van den Hurk强调了中国国际进口博览会(CIIE)对其公司的积极影响。 Roy van den Hurk, general manager of Theland Global R&D from Milk New Zealand Dairy Ltd., highlights the positive impact of the China International Import Expo (CIIE) on his company. 自2018年首次参加以来,Theland从一个小型展出者发展到一个主要参与者,在中国各地扩展了它的活动范围。 Since its first participation in 2018, Theland has grown from a small exhibitor to a major player, expanding its reach across China. CIIE的贸易便利化政策使新鲜牛奶能够快速通关,提高了供需效率,加快了产品推出,包括与主要零售商的伙伴关系。 CIIE's trade facilitation policies allow quick customs clearance for fresh milk, enhancing supply-demand efficiency and accelerating product rollouts, including partnerships with major retailers.