Brandon S. Machala, 39岁,在斯波坎被捕,罪名是企图从停放的卡车上偷轮胎。 Brandon S. Machala, 39, was arrested in Spokane for attempting to steal tires from parked trucks.
Brandon S. Machala, 39岁,曾犯过重罪,因试图从停放的卡车上偷轮胎,于万圣节上午在华盛顿斯波坎被捕。 Brandon S. Machala, a 39-year-old man with a history of felony convictions, was arrested in Spokane, Washington, on Halloween morning for attempting to steal tires from parked trucks. 安保摄像头记录了他的行为,当警察到达时,他们发现他试图躲在附近。 Security cameras recorded him in the act, and when police arrived, they found him trying to hide nearby. 被盗轮胎位于该企业的后面,靠近被切割的围栏。 The stolen tires were located behind the business near a cut fence. Machala 因入室盗窃而被关进斯波坎县监狱。 Machala has been booked into Spokane County Jail for burglary.