27岁的Brandon Norris在堪萨斯州被捕,据称在一周内偷同一辆小货车两次。 Brandon Norris, 27, was arrested in Kansas for allegedly stealing the same minivan twice within a week.
27岁的堪萨斯男子Brandon Norris因据称一周内两次偷同一辆小货车而被捕。 A Kansas man, Brandon Norris, 27, was arrested for allegedly stealing the same minivan twice in a week. 该车辆于11月9日首次报告失踪,并于11月12日在没有钥匙的情况下返回。 The vehicle was first reported missing on November 9 and returned on November 12 without the key. 它在11月14日再次被盗,导致短暂追击。 It was stolen again on November 14, leading to a brief pursuit. Norris被一名K-9军官追踪并逮捕。 Norris was tracked down by a K-9 officer and arrested. 他面临各种指控,包括盗窃、拥有被盗财产、逃避执法、鲁莽驾驶、无照驾驶和持有毒品。 He faces charges including theft, possession of stolen property, fleeing law enforcement, reckless driving, driving without a license, and drug possession.