Aon在新西兰启动国家赞助方案,以支持沿海安全和社区倡议。 Aon launches a national sponsorship program in New Zealand to support coastal safety and community initiatives.
全球专业服务公司Aon在新西兰启动了一项国家赞助方案,旨在促进社区与海洋的联系和保护海岸线。 Aon, a global professional services firm, has launched a national sponsorship program in New Zealand aimed at fostering community connections to the sea and protecting coastlines. 该倡议支持Surf 拯救新西兰生命、冒险信托精神和可持续海岸线,为海滩安全项目、青年发展课程和青年年度奖学金提供资金。 The initiative supports Surf Life Saving New Zealand, the Spirit of Adventure Trust, and Sustainable Coastlines, funding beach safety projects, youth development courses, and annual scholarships for young people. 此外,Aon将在全国各地举办海滩清理活动。 Additionally, Aon will organize beach clean-up events across the country.