39岁的费城男子因威胁要进行大规模破坏而在蒙哥马利共和党办公室被捕。 39-year-old Philadelphia man arrested for threatening mass destruction at Montgomery Co. Republican office.
来自费城的39岁的Edward Cieri Jr.因据称威胁蒙哥马利县共和委员会的一名工作人员而被捕。 Edward Cieri Jr., a 39-year-old from Philadelphia, has been arrested for allegedly threatening a staffer at the Montgomery County Republican Committee. 在 10 月 26 日的一次通话中,Cieri 在得知该工作人员是共和党人后,使用诽谤并威胁要“开枪”或“炸毁”办公室。 During a call on October 26, Cieri used slurs and made threats to "shoot" or "blow up" the office after learning the staffer was a Republican. 他面临包括大规模破坏和骚扰威胁在内的指控,并被命令避免与工作人员办公室和共和国办公室接触。 He faces charges including threats of mass destruction and harassment, and has been ordered to avoid contact with the staffer and Republican offices.