24岁的Tempe男子因据称威胁Donald Trump Jr. & Charlie Kirk在使用大众信息系统举行的集会上被捕。 24-year-old Tempe man arrested for allegedly threatening Donald Trump Jr. & Charlie Kirk during a rally using a mass-messaging system.
来自亚利桑那州坦佩的 24 岁男子丹尼尔·阿什佩斯 (Daniel Ashpes) 于 10 月 17 日被捕,罪名是涉嫌在政治集会期间对小唐纳德·特朗普和查理·柯克进行在线威胁。 Daniel Ashpes, a 24-year-old from Tempe, Arizona, was arrested on October 17 for allegedly making online threats against Donald Trump Jr. and Charlie Kirk during a political rally. 威胁与事件的群众信息系统有关. The threats were linked to a mass-messaging system for the event. 据报告,阿什承认受到威胁,并面临一项使用电话威胁的罪状和三项威胁造成身体伤害的罪状。 Ashpes reportedly admitted to the threats and faces one count of using a phone to threaten and three counts of threatening to cause physical injury. 他目前被关押在坦佩市监狱。 He is currently held in the Tempe City Jail.