美国支持孟加拉国追回被盗资金,提供咨询和援助。 U.S. supports Bangladesh in recovering stolen funds, providing advice and assistance.
美国承诺支持孟加拉国追回被盗资金,正如海伦·拉法夫酋长在与首席顾问穆罕默德·尤努斯的告别会晤中所说。 The U.S. has pledged support to Bangladesh in recovering stolen funds, as stated by Charge d'Affaires Helen LaFave during her farewell meeting with Chief Adviser Muhammad Yunus. 美国正在为这项努力提供咨询和援助,同时承认所涉及的挑战。 The U.S. is providing advice and assistance for this effort, acknowledging the challenges involved. 他们还讨论了司法改革、南亚的电力连通、反恐和劳工改革,这些对于美国的投资和支持至关重要。 They also discussed judicial reforms, electricity connectivity in South Asia, counterterrorism, and labor reforms, which are vital for U.S. investment and support.