尼泊尔的库库尔普贾节是提哈尔的一部分, 庆祝狗是山神的神圣使者. Kukur Puja festival in Nepal, part of Tihar, celebrates dogs as sacred messengers of Yama.
尼泊尔的 Kukur Puja 节庆祝狗,用花环、零食和朱红色标记来纪念宠物和流浪狗。 The Kukur Puja festival in Nepal celebrates dogs, honoring both pets and strays with flower garlands, treats, and vermillion marks. 这次活动是为期五天的蒂哈尔节的一部分,其中还包括乌鸦、牛和拉克希米女神的崇拜。 This event is part of the five-day Tihar festival, which also includes worship of crows, cows, and the goddess Lakshmi. 在加德满都,警犬在庆祝活动期间展示了自己的技能。 In Kathmandu, police service dogs showcased their skills during the celebration. 狗被视为死神山的神圣信使,强调狗在尼泊尔文化中的重要性。 Dogs are viewed as sacred messengers of Yama, the god of death, underscoring their significance in Nepali culture.