印度教徒在1月30日开始庆祝玛加·古普塔·纳夫拉特里(Magha Gupta Navratri), Hindus celebrate Magha Gupta Navratri starting Jan. 30, honoring Goddess Durga for nine days.
Magha Gupta Navratri, 自2025年1月30日起为期九天的印度教节, 纪念杜尔加女神及其形式。 Magha Gupta Navratri, a nine-day Hindu festival starting January 30, 2025, honors Goddess Durga and her forms. 在印度部分地区庆祝,它涉及禁食、祈祷和仪式,献给神圣的女性。 Celebrated in parts of India, it involves fasting, prayers, and rituals dedicated to the divine feminine. 每天都有不同形式的女神被崇拜, 目的是为力量和繁荣寻求祝福。 Each day, a different form of the goddess is worshipped, aimed at seeking blessings for strength and prosperity. 节庆于2月7日结束, The festival concludes on February 7 with ceremonies to symbolize the end of the observance.