飓风海伦过后,194 家 Ingles Markets 商店正在运营;4 个已关闭,$35M-$55M 损害赔偿,$10M-$15M 保险报销。 194 Ingles Markets stores operational after Hurricane Helene; 4 closed, $35M-$55M damages, $10M-$15M insurance reimbursement.
Ingles Markets 报告称,其 198 家商店中有 194 家在飓风海伦造成严重洪水和风灾后仍在运营。 Ingles Markets reported that 194 of its 198 stores are operational following Hurricane Helene, which caused significant flooding and wind damage. 四家商店仍然关闭,预计三至九个月后重新开放。 Four stores remain closed, with anticipated reopening in three to nine months. 该公司估计损失在3 500万至5 500万美元之间,预计保险偿还额为1 000万至1 500万美元。 The company estimates damages between $35 million and $55 million, expecting $10 million to $15 million in insurance reimbursement. Ingles表示承诺在恢复工作期间支持受影响的雇员和社区。 Ingles expressed commitment to supporting affected employees and communities during recovery efforts.