47岁的Richard Wilson因偷车被捕, 领导警方追逐, 并面临20项刑事指控。 47-year-old Richard Wilson arrested for stealing car, leading police on a chase, and facing 20 criminal charges.
Richard Wilson, 47岁, 2024年10月28日被泰格德警方逮捕, Richard Wilson, 47, was arrested by Tigard Police on October 28, 2024, following a series of events involving a stolen vehicle. 10月24日,他的车被追踪到沃尔玛的停车场,威尔逊试图逃跑时撞上了几辆警察和停车的汽车. On October 24, after his car was tracked to a Walmart parking lot, Wilson rammed several police and parked cars while attempting to flee. 出于安全原因停止了追逐。 The pursuit was halted for safety reasons. 威尔逊 第二天警方找到被盗汽车时 发现威尔逊 是在一小时的对峙后被发现的 Wilson, identified the next day when police recovered the stolen car, was located after an hour-long standoff. 他面临20项刑事指控。 He faces 20 criminal charges.