57岁的John Wilson因4项谋杀未遂罪、在Shady Lane开枪射击住宅和向SCHorry县的应召官员开枪而被捕。 57-year-old John Wilson arrested for four counts of attempted murder, shooting home on Shady Lane, and firing at responding officer in Horry County, SC.
Horry县Longs镇57岁的John Earl Wilson因多项指控被捕,包括4项谋杀未遂罪,此前在Shady Lane的一家住宅发生枪击事件。 John Earl Wilson, 57, of Longs, Horry County, has been arrested on multiple charges, including four counts of attempted murder, following a shooting incident at a home on Shady Lane. 据称,他试图闯入,然后用步枪向被占领房屋开枪,然后向一名应答警察开枪,损坏了巡逻车。 After attempting to break in, he allegedly fired a rifle at the occupied house and then shot at a responding police officer, damaging the patrol car. Wilson目前关押在J. Reuben Long拘留中心,没有保释。 Wilson is currently held at J. Reuben Long Detention Center without bail.