俄亥俄州公路巡逻队于11月7日在俄亥俄北部大学举行区域测试活动。 Ohio State Highway Patrol to conduct regional testing event at Ohio Northern University on Nov. 7.
俄亥俄州高速公路巡逻队将于11月7日在阿达俄亥俄北部大学举办区域测试活动。 On November 7, the Ohio State Highway Patrol will conduct a regional testing event at Ohio Northern University in Ada. 申请人可以填写申请表、进行笔试,如果成功,可以进行身体健康评估。 Applicants can complete an application, take a written test, and, if successful, undergo a physical fitness assessment. 参加者应携带身份识别和健身衣物抵达企业。 Attendees should arrive in business attire with identification and fitness clothing. 巡逻队正在接受下一期学院课程的申请;可通过拨打1-866-TROOPER或访问其网站获得更多信息。 The Patrol is accepting applications for the next Academy Class; more information is available by calling 1-866-TROOPER or visiting their website.