北阿拉巴马大学获得一笔拨款,为当地急救人员提供降级技能培训,重点关注活跃的枪击场景。 The University of North Alabama secures a grant to fund de-escalation skills training for local first responders, focusing on active shooter scenarios.
北阿拉巴马大学 (UNA) 已获得一笔拨款,为当地急救人员提供培训课程。 The University of North Alabama (UNA) has received a grant to provide training classes for local first responders. 此次培训的重点是执法人员降级,旨在让当地执法更加专业。 The training will focus on de-escalation for law enforcement officers and is aimed at making local law enforcement more professional. 这笔赠款将有助于为最需要的部门提供免费培训。 The grant will help provide free training for departments that need it most. 此外,UNA 正在进行大约 20 个项目,可以在各种情况下帮助当地执法部门。 Additionally, UNA has around 20 programs in the works that can help local law enforcement in various situations.