17个印度尼西亚公司因企业中的两性平等举措获得WEP奖。 17 Indonesian companies receive WEPs Awards for gender equality initiatives in business.
十七家印尼公司因其在商业中促进性别平等的举措而获得2024年妇女赋权原则 (WEP) 奖. Seventeen Indonesian companies were recognized at the 2024 Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs) Awards for their initiatives promoting gender equality in business. 在超过125份申请中,有7个类别获得奖项,包括“促进两性平等创新筹资”等新类别。 From over 125 applications, awards were given across seven categories, including new ones like 'Innovative Financing for Gender Equality.' 值得注意的获奖者包括Evermos,Evermos通过数字平台赋予妇女权力。 Notable winners included Evermos, which empowers women through a digital platform. 该倡议得到国际实体的支持,强调工作场所两性平等日益重要。 The initiative, supported by international entities, underscores the growing importance of gender equity in the workplace.