世界银行发起了《2024-2030年两性平等战略》,目标是妇女获得宽带、资本和社会保护。 World Bank launches Gender Strategy 2024-2030, targeting women's access to broadband, capital, and social protection.
世界银行发起了其《2024-2030年性别战略》,目的是增加妇女的经济机会。 The World Bank has launched its Gender Strategy 2024-2030, aimed at enhancing economic opportunities for women. 目标包括:到2030年,将3亿妇女接入宽带,向2.5亿妇女提供社会保护,为8 000万妇女和妇女领导的企业提供获得资本的机会。 The goals include connecting 300 million women to broadband, providing social protection to 250 million, and granting access to capital for 80 million women and women-led businesses by 2030. 世界银行行长Ajay Banga强调,增加妇女的参与可以加强经济和社区,最终有助于减贫。 World Bank President Ajay Banga emphasized that increasing women's participation can strengthen economies and communities, ultimately aiding poverty alleviation.