" 妇女创业日 " 纪念11周年,为1M妇女开展AI教育,并表彰8个创新者。 Women Entrepreneurship Day marks 11th anniversary, launching AI education for 1M women and honoring 8 innovators.
妇女创业日庆祝全世界女企业家的影响,强调她们在各个部门的变革作用。 Women Entrepreneurship Day celebrates the impact of female entrepreneurs worldwide, highlighting their transformative roles in various sectors. 今年,该活动纪念其11周年,在联合国总部举行了一次首脑会议,宣布一项免费的大赦国际教育方案,以赋予全球100万处境不利妇女权力。 This year, the event marked its 11th anniversary with a summit at the UN headquarters, announcing a free AI education program to empower 1 million disadvantaged women globally. 这一天还纪念了8名杰出的女企业家,她们正在通过创新和领导,改造从保健和心理健康到可持续性和教育的行业。 The day also honored 8 remarkable women entrepreneurs who are reshaping industries, from healthcare and mental health to sustainability and education, through innovation and leadership. 它们的努力强调了女性领导在推动经济增长和社会变革方面的重要性。 Their efforts underscore the importance of female leadership in driving economic growth and social change.