顾客在锦绣花园酒店大堂开枪。 Customer fires gun in lobby of Fairview Park hotel.
费尔维尤公园(Fairview Park)的一名男子袭击了一名女酒保,然后被扔出酒吧后在汽车旅馆大堂开了几枪。 A man in Fairview Park attacked a female bartender and then fired several shots in the motel lobby after being thrown out of the bar. 在金斯顿,一名男子因在酒吧发生口角后开枪被捕。 In Kinston, a man was arrested for firing shots at a bar following a verbal altercation. 一名金斯顿男子因涉嫌参与枪击另一人而被指控。 A Kinston man has been charged for his alleged role in the shooting of another individual. 警方正在寻求社区的帮助来调查这些犯罪行为。 Police are seeking assistance from the community to investigate these crimes.