偏远的阿拉斯加原住民村庄由于与世隔绝、缺乏训练有素的民意调查工作人员以及邮件服务不可靠而面临投票挑战。 Remote Alaska Native villages face voting challenges due to isolation, lack of trained poll workers, and unreliable mail service.
阿拉斯加偏远的原住民村庄面临着重大的投票挑战,8 月的初选尤为突出,当时卡克托维克和威尔士的投票站未能开放,影响了许多注册选民。 Alaska's remote Native villages face significant voting challenges, highlighted by the August primary election when polling stations in Kaktovik and Wales failed to open, affecting many registered voters. 问题的根源是孤立、缺乏训练有素的民意调查工作人员、邮件服务不可靠、使缺席投票复杂化。 Issues stem from isolation, lack of trained poll workers, and unreliable mail service, complicating absentee voting. 阿拉斯加原住民联合会正在引起关注,而官员则努力确保所有区都为即将到来的11月5日选举做好准备。 The Alaska Federation of Natives is raising concerns, while officials work to ensure all precincts are prepared for the upcoming November 5 election.