在阿拉斯加的投票第2项措施小幅失败,以192票支持按等级排列的选择投票。 Ballot Measure 2 in Alaska narrowly fails, with ranked choice voting upheld by just 192 votes.
阿拉斯加的投票措施2旨在废除排在前列的选择投票和开放初选,但以50.03%的反对票和49.97%的赞成票相比,这一措施的失败幅度很小。 Ballot Measure 2 in Alaska, aimed at repealing ranked choice voting and open primaries, is narrowly failing with 50.03% voting against it and 49.97% in favor. 在计算了将近4 000张缺席选票中,只有192张选票的差额。 The difference is only 192 votes out of nearly 4,000 absentee ballots counted. 约有7 000张选票尚待计票,结果仍然不确定。 With around 7,000 ballots still to be tallied, the outcome remains uncertain. 2020年推出的这一系统受到国家审查,反对派支出大幅增加,主要来自国外团体。 The system, introduced in 2020, has faced national scrutiny, with opposition spending significantly more, largely from out-of-state groups.