Piopio奶制品及其所有者因违反移徙工人最低就业标准而被就业关系管理局罚款16 000美元。 A Piopio dairy and its owners were fined $16,000 by the Employment Relations Authority for violating minimum employment standards for migrant workers.
A Piopio乳品厂,A W & B L Mudaliar Limited及其所有者因21次违反最低就业标准影响外来工人的行为被雇佣关系局罚款16,000美元。 A Piopio dairy, A W & B L Mudaliar Limited, and its owners have been penalized $16,000 by the Employment Relations Authority for 21 breaches of minimum employment standards affecting migrant workers. 该公司面临10 000美元的罚款,每个业主都奉命支付3 000美元。 The company faces a $10,000 fine, with each owner ordered to pay $3,000. 此外,他们必须支付1 443.23美元的无薪假日津贴。 Additionally, they must pay $1,443.23 in unpaid holiday entitlements. 该案强调了新西兰遵守就业法律的重要性。 The case underscores the importance of compliance with employment laws in New Zealand.