3 拍品售出 Coutts 历史悠久的维多利亚式房产,“Longview”以 3,900 美元/英亩创下地区纪录。 3 Lots of Coutts' historic Victorian property sold, "Longview" set district record at $3,900/acre.
Coutts家族在维多利亚州Bourt附近的历史财产 最近卖掉了四个拍卖地中的三个 The Coutts family's historic property near Boort, Victoria, recently sold three of four auction lots. “Longview”地块以 512 万美元的价格售出,创下每英亩 3,900 美元的地区纪录。 The "Longview" lot fetched $5.12 million, a district record at $3,900 per acre. 另一个名为"Russ's"的产品售价超过216万美元. The second lot, "Russ's," sold for over $2.16 million. 第三件拍品“Lewis's”被送入,但后来以未披露的金额售出。 The third lot, "Lewis's," was passed in but later sold for an undisclosed amount. 第四件拍品《乔治·弗兰克》(George Frank's)仍未售出。 The fourth lot, "George Frank's," remains unsold. 土地面积为1 102公顷,由Coutts家庭耕种了152年。 The property spans 1,102 hectares and has been farmed by the Coutts family for 152 years.